Cleaner Electric Vehicle Charging: Challenges and Solutions

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Lisa Wang

Lisa is an Analyst at Hygge Energy. She is currently a student at Harvard University in Environmental Science and Engineering with a joint concentration in Environmental Science and Public Policy. She is extremely passionate about clean energy and sustainability, in addition to energy access and equity. She is excited about the potential of decentralized and distributed energy resources and believes Hygge Energy is making strides toward building clean energy communities.


The growing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) has galvanized the development of technology and infrastructure to charge them. Understanding and tackling the challenges faced by charging infrastructure is essential to accelerating the success of EVs. So how exactly does EV charging work?

Electric Vehicle Chargers:

Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), or electric vehicle chargers, fall into three main categories: Level 1 chargers, Level 2 chargers, and DC Fast Chargers. Level 1 chargers are most often used at home, with a 120 V AC plug delivering 2-5 miles of range per hour of charging and do not require installation of additional equipment. Level 2 chargers are used in homes (240 V plug) and at public charging stations (208 V plug) , delivering 10-60 miles of range per hour of charging and requiring additional charging equipment. Level 1 and Level 2 chargers are compatible with all electric vehicles in North America, as there are standard plugs and receptacles, but this is not the case for DC Fast Chargers which require specialized equipment.

DC Fast chargers use a 480 V AC input and can deliver 60-100 miles of range in 20 minutes of charging. This charges most electric cars to 80 percent capacity in just half an hour, after which the charging rate significantly slows to avoid damage to the battery pack. DC Fast Chargers require specialized, high-powered equipment and are much more expensive to install and operate than Level 1 and Level 2 chargers.

“DC Fast chargers . . . can deliver 60-100 miles of range in 20 minutes of charging. This charges most electric cars to 80 percent capacity in just half an hour”

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The high cost of building fast chargers and EVSEs are among a number of challenges of EV charging. Lack of charging infrastructure and fast charging stations leads to range anxiety, wherein EV drivers are left uncertain on whether their vehicle will have sufficient energy to reach its destination and thereby strand the vehicle’s occupants. Additionally, charging infrastructure networks may be segregated by service providers, be they third-party companies, utilities, or governments, and lead to a confusing patchwork system for customers. The lack of information and clarity of these differing stations, chargers, as well as reliability and maintenance of EVSEs are key hurdles.

The charging station size may also be limited by the capacity of the electrical circuit that will be used. Charging rates should be limited to 80 percent of the circuit’s capacity, as charging a car at a rate equal to or greater than the capacity of the wiring will flip the circuit breaker. Line losses, the electricity lost due to inefficiencies, increase with temperature and current. At higher charging rates, more electricity is lost. It is inversely proportional to the capacity of the wiring. Limits to charging speeds at charging stations and in vehicles can be used to keep charging rates within the capacity of the circuit and to reduce further line losses.

“Lack of charging infrastructure and fast charging stations leads to range anxiety . . . charging infrastructure networks may be segregated by service providers . . . The charging station size may also be limited by the capacity of the electrical circuit”

Energy Demands:

Demand charges for high energy consumption is a critical hurdle for fast charging stations. Charging station owners or commercial business owners are required to pay a fixed monthly fee for large quantities of available energy for charging. Regulators and local utilities will need to collaborate with the station owners to make the system more efficient and to reduce the high demand charges. The electricity load of electric vehicles and charging stations is a challenge for utility providers, who would greatly benefit from demand response programs and ability to request the scaling back of electricity usage. The collection and analysis of data on EV use and charging will yield critical information that can improve the management of charge networks.

Zero Emission Electric Mobility Solutions:

Integrating renewable resources such as solar into the charging process can ensure a truly reduced emissions vehicle. Public charging stations are being rolled out with solar panels in places around the world, and home solar installations can also be designed with Level 1 or Level 2 chargers. Batteries can store the renewably generated energy which can be used to charge, rather than electricity provided instantaneously.

Solar panel systems and electric vehicle charging are a powerful combination to reduce emissions and costs simultaneously.

Hygge Energy has designed a Zero Emission e-Mobility solution using a hybrid microgrid based EV charging system. The system is created by integrating existing grid infrastructure with solar PV and batteries. The EV charging system is powered by solar energy, doesn’t require upgrades in grid infrastructure, and provides improved grid resilience. Indian Oil will set up these solar-power based EV charging stations following its successful study on a “proof of concept” on “Zero Emission Electric Mobility”.

“Solar panel systems and electric vehicle charging are a powerful combination to reduce emissions and costs simultaneously.”

The expanding deployment of EV technology and charging stations in tandem with distributed renewable energy resources symbolize a truly zero emission vehicle transmission on the horizon.


Managed EV Charging Stations


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