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Blockchain in Energy: Accurate and Transparent Carbon Emissions Reporting and Verification

By 2050, climate change is projected to cause an additional 14.5 million deaths and $12.5 trillion in economic losses worldwide (World Economic Forum, 2024). If we continue business as usual, these estimates are only likely to worsen, leading to more frequent and severe natural disasters like hurricanes, wildfires, droughts and floods. To mitigate these catastrophic outcomes, accurate and transparent carbon emissions reporting is crucial. Unfortunately, carbon emissions reporting has lost its credibility due to a pervasive global failure to ensure transparency.

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Net-Zero Communities: They’re Closer Than You Think

What comes to mind when you think of net-zero communities? For most, the idea conjures an image of a group of like-minded individuals, each willingly embracing change for the greater good. The notion of every sustainability-conscious individual installing solar panels atop their home is a picturesque one, yet it seems to be a far-fetched, perhaps unattainable, global solution. What most people don’t realize, however, is that net-zero communities are closer than we think, and the steps for this transition are completely painless for individual energy consumers. The perfect candidates for the net-zero revolution are small towns anchored by one core functionality.

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